Ulster Beekeepers Association represents the interests of beekeepers across all beekeeping associations in the province of Ulster.
UBKA supports and promotes education and practical skills to beekeepers to encourage high standards of beekeeping. We will promote healthy and happy beekeeping for the well-being of both beekeepers and honey bees.
We increase public awareness and education on the importance of honey bees and pollinators to our environment and biodiversity.

What We Do
How to become a beekeeper
UBKA organises and runs high-quality courses from beginner to senior level which gives very comprehensive theory and practical education to the student. These courses are run in partnership with the College of Agriculture, Food and Rural Enterprise, CAFRE, and Open College Network Northern Ireland, OCNNI.
Annual Conference
CAFRE, Greenmount Campus, 45 Tirgracy Road, Antrim BT41 4PS
The UBKA Annual Conference 2025 will be held on the 14 and 15 February. The theme is “Read Our Bees - The Next Chapter”. A medley of science, practical beekeeping and workshops covering: introductory beekeeping, microscopy, skep making, the art of mead production, encaustic art and more!
Where is my closest association?
Check our map for the position of our local beekeeping associations.
There are currently fourteen local Associations connected to the Ulster Beekeepers Association. They operate and support members at a local level.